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patented anti-wrinkle technology

developed after several years of research and five super-powerful active ingredients to find the perfect balance between active ingredients in the most effective dosage, patented x5® technology deploys an extraordianry anti-aging strike force.

comblement filler puissance 5 active defense for tenfold anti-wrinkle action

White lily

Softening, brightening and healing, it is reputed to activate cell renewal. Its anti-inflammatory properties help fight redness and smooth and even skin tone.

Hyaluronic acid

A star ingredient in cosmetics, this natural constituent of the dermis is renowned for its exceptional moisturizing properties. This filler-like active ingredient immediately smoothes and plumps the cutaneous surface, while replacing endogenous hyaluronic acid production to restore it to its ideal level.


The richness of this microalgae in vitamins A and E, proteins, iron, beta-carotene, minerals, amino acids and trace elements gives it exceptional revitalizing, fortifying and nutritive properties. By activating collagen and elastin production, it improves skin suppleness and elasticity.


Extracted from maritime matricaria, this “botox-like” anti-wrinkle active ingredient relaxes skin muscles to smooth features. It plumps skin by stimulating hyaluronic acid and collagen synthesis, and protects it from free radicals.

prickly pear oil

Rich in vitamin E and sterols, it protects the skin against free radicals. An exceptional ally in the fight against ageing, its essential fatty acids replenish epidermal lipids and limit water loss from the skin.